National Director
of State Protocol
José Maria Silva
Diretor Nacional do Protocolo do Estado

The National Directorate of State Protocol (DNPE) is the central service tasked with ensuring compliance with the rules and execution of activities related to State Ceremonial and Protocol, as well as the application of norms and implementation of measures regarding diplomatic and consular privileges and immunities (Article 17 of Decree-Law No. 21/2023, of July 27, which proceeds with the first amendment to Decree-Law No. 65/2021, of October 5 - LO).

The DNPE is also the central body of the State in matters of ceremonial and protocol, and in this regard, it must ensure compliance with diplomatic practice and courtesy, providing guidance to other central and external services of the MNECIR, as well as the protocol services of different sovereign bodies and other departments of the State



In the exercise of its functions, the DNPE is responsible for:

a) Preparing and accompanying official acts involving the President of the Republic, the President of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, and also Government Members when substituting for the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, and Regional Integration, or the Government Member substituting for them;

b) Preparing and accompanying acts involving other Government Members, especially when members of the accredited Diplomatic Corps in Cabo Verde or foreign official entities are present;

c) Supporting the preparation and accompanying the realization of official visits and trips to Cabo Verde by Heads of State, Presidents of Parliament, Heads of Government, Foreign Ministers, special envoys, and other foreign entities entitled to protocol treatment;

d) Supporting the preparation of official visits and trips abroad by the President of the Republic, the President of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, and Regional Integration, and, when entrusted by higher authority, other senior national entities;

e) Ensuring compliance with laws, conventions, and recognized international customary norms regarding diplomatic and consular privileges and immunities and their translation into operational procedural manuals;

f) Ensuring the accreditation process of Cape Verdean Diplomatic Missions abroad and Heads of Diplomatic Missions and Intergovernmental Organizations in Cabo Verde;

g) Ensuring the issuance of credentials and full powers;

h) Ensuring compliance with rules of precedence among members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps, in accordance with diplomatic practice;

i) Handling the scheduling of audiences with members of the Diplomatic Corps and other foreign dignitaries;

j) Handling the reception and farewell of accredited Mission Chiefs in Cabo Verde;

k) Publishing and keeping updated the list of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps accredited in Cabo Verde and the Diplomatic Corps of Cabo Verde abroad;

l) Ensuring the issuance of identification documents to members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps accredited in Cabo Verde, as well as to other mission personnel and consular post members, respectively;

m) Organizing and ensuring the registration and licensing procedures for vehicles of Diplomatic and Consular Missions and International Organizations based in Cabo Verde and other representations enjoying diplomatic status;

n) Ensuring compliance with regulations regarding the correct protocol use of diplomatic VIP lounges at the country's main airports and ports;

o) Handling the logistical and organizational aspects of events promoted or directly under the responsibility of the MNECIR, whether internal, interdepartmental, or international, determining the necessary goods and services and coordinating with the DGPOG for their acquisition;

p) Requesting from External Services, as well as from foreign authorities if necessary, the protocol and logistical support essential to official entities on service missions;

q) Organizing and managing the processes for granting diplomatic passports, in accordance with applicable legislation, in coordination with the services responsible for digitization and issuance;

 r) Providing protocol support, when instructed by higher authority, to national and foreign entities on official visits to the other islands of the national territory; and

s) Any additional tasks recommended by diplomatic practice or assigned by law or higher authority


The DNPE includes the following Directorates:

a) The State Ceremonial Directorate; and

b) The Directorate of Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities.

The State Ceremonial Directorate - prepares and accompanies all acts, visits, and official trips as defined in this decree.

The Directorate of Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities - ensures compliance with laws, conventions, and recognized international customary norms in this area, oversees the diplomatic and consular accreditation processes, both in Cabo Verde and abroad, and provides assistance to the diplomatic corps, as defined in this decree.

In addition to the directorates, the DNPE also includes the Protocol Support Service on Sal Island and the Protocol Support Service on São Vicente Island.