08 Apr 2024


Cabo Verde will be hosting two side events in partnership with UNESCO and United Nations Country Team in Cabo Verde, respectively, during SIDS4.

28 Mar 2024

Pavilhão de Cabo Verde na Cabo Verde Pavilion at Expo 2023 Doha-Qatar Wins Theme and Concept Award

The Cabo Verde Pavilion at Expo 2023 Doha-Qatar has been honored with the Theme Award in the Medium Pavilion Category at Expo 2023 Doha-Qatar. This recognition was presented yesterday, March 27, at the Award Ceremony in Doha.

27 Mar 2024

SENEC receives Coordinator of the Atlantic Center in audience

The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. Miryan Vieira, received the Coordinator of the Atlantic Center, Rear Admiral Nuno António Noronha de Bragança, in audience on Wednesday, the 27th. He is visiting Cape Verde until the 29th of this month.

26 Mar 2024

Cabo Verde and the United Nations System in Cabo Verde sign Joint Work Plan for 2024

The Government of Cabo Verde today, March 26, signed with the United Nations System in Cabo Verde the Joint Work Plan for the year 2024, budgeted at around 15.7 million dollars, involving 18 United Nations agencies, funds, and programs and implementation partners.

25 Mar 2024

MNECIR signs Condolence Book at the Embassy of Russia

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, and Regional Integration, Dr. Rui Figueiredo Soares, was today, March 25, at the Embassy of Russia to sign the condolence book for the attack that occurred in Moscow, which resulted in more than 130 deaths and hundreds of injuries.

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